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Re: PG Admin installation on Bullseye

Richard Duivenvoorde schreef op za 23-01-2021 om 19:01 [+0100]:
> Hi Frank,
> May I propose another option: DBeaver https://dbeaver.io/
> If you have java on your system, you can just download the zip, and
> start it.
> Create a connection to postgis (dbeaver will download needed postgis
> jdbc jars) and you are in....
> It even has a map-view for you gis data!
> AND if you start using gpkg, sqlite or other databases you can
> connect to it too 
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde

Hi Richard,

I proposed your suggestion to the course leader, and he accepted it!
Thank you for your valuable option! Now I can participate the course
SQL tomorrow :-).

Kind regards,

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