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Re: Newbie questions on packaging opencpn


Found some time again...

On 06/09/18 09:02, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 9/5/18 5:41 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> On 9/5/18 5:26 PM, Alec Leamas wrote:

>>> Isn't a  library so-file without visible symbols terribly wrong?
>> Yes, that implies that no methods are exported which can be used by
>> other programs, defeating the purpose of being a shared library.
> The CMakeLists.txt hides all symbols by default:
>  set_target_properties(unarr PROPERTIES
>                        PUBLIC_HEADER unarr.h
>                        C_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden
>                        C_STANDARD 99
>                        C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON
>                        VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}
>                        SOVERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR})
> But the symbols in the unarr.h public header aren't made visible. That
> should probably be fixed. Then the symbols file can be used to generate
> dependencies on libunarr1 based on the symbols used and the version of
> the library they were introduced in.

Right, thanks for spotting!

On 05/09/18 14:47, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 9/5/18 10:05 AM, Alec Leamas wrote:
>> On 05/09/18 09:39, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:

>> My gut feeling still is that using get-orig-source and consistent lf
>> line ends is a better option than wading into a mess of inconsistent
>> line endings. That said, I'm a newbie, I could try to walk this path.
>> However, this means reworking large parts of my setup, and I question
>> the value. It will considerably delay my work.
> What reworking do you need? Switching from the get-orig-source target to
> uscan should be trivial.
> I also don't understand why you're so hung up on the line ending, it
> shouldn't really matter which is used.

Fixed, sort of. I have the watch file, and use uscan in get-orig-source.

And yes, I have get-orig-source and am prepared to defend that decision.
Things like git, my editor and command line tools all carries needs for
specific setup when using non-lf line endings. Or just just risks of
surprises. While I certainly could get this running  with the original
crlf with some effort, I just don't want to have this hanging over me
(or anyone else) when it comes to maintenance months or years later.


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