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Re: OTB package without machine learning


On 03/01/2017 03:25 PM, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
On 2017-03-01 14:56, Guillaume Pasero wrote:
    * libSVM : compatible package available in unstable, but not in

There were issues with compatibility with the package in Debian, and was not enabled because of that.
Ok so no libSVM support for now.

     * OpenCV : compatible versions is 2.4, libopencv-ml available in
unstable, but not in experimental (where there is only 3.X available)

There is no support for the OpenCV version in experimenal, so the support was disabled.
Support of OpenCV 3.X should arrive in OTB 6.0

    * Shark : compatible with version 3.0 libshark is available in

Never heard of it before.
It is a Machine Learning library that OTB can use to expose a Random Forests model.

 I am proposing to update the packaging files (with some help from
Rashad), but these packages should be pushed to unstable. Is it fine
with you ?

No, due to the freeze any package updates must be targetted to experimental.

But because of the OpenCV issue re-enabling the support won't last long, before the OpenCV support is re-enabled in OTB the version available in experimental must be supported.

Kind Regards,

If I understand right, the situation is blocked now. For the next release (6.0), I hope there will be at least one of these dependencies enabled.


Guillaume PASERO
Responsable technique
Business Unit ESPACE & GeoInformation - Département Payload Data & Applications

CS Systèmes d'Information
Parc de la Grande Plaine - 5, Rue Brindejonc des Moulinais - BP 15872
31506 Toulouse Cedex 05 - FRANCE
+33 561 17 64 21 - guillaume.pasero@c-s.fr

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