On 06-01-16 19:56, Rashad Kanavath wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 7:40 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> On 06-01-16 18:21, Rashad Kanavath wrote:
>>> I need to know if this change is acceptable. There is currently an
>> upstream
>>> branch named upstream/ and upstream/ . The latter was
>>> created with above gbp.conf
>> The filter option duplicates functionality provided by uscan +
>> Files-Excluded in the copyright file. Let's stick to uscan for now.
> So I can remove filter option and pick up on required files from
> ossim_package_support/cmake/CMakeModules/ and then use uscan.
> I can add ossim_package_support/* in Files-Excluded and then in the Files
> section. And can I list a few files from
> ossim_package_support/cmake/CMakeModules/. ?
The only change I think is needed now is to update the cmake patch to
included the updated CMakeModules. That doesn't require changes to the
watch file nor Files-Excluded list in the copyright file.
When uscan uses repackaging it first downloads the upstream tarball
using the upstream tarball name (ossim-1.8.20-3.tar.gz), then it
excludes all the files listed from the Files-Excluded list to create the
orig.tar.gz for the Debian package (ossim_1.8.20.3+ds.orig.tar.gz).
You can unpack the (not repacked) upstream tarball to /tmp and copy the
relevant files from the CMakeModules directory to the packaging tree
(after applying the cmake patch of course). The procedure would be as
# Download & unpack upstream tarball
uscan --verbose --download-current-version --force-download
tar xavf ../ossim-1.8.20-3.tar.gz -C /tmp/
# Apply the cmake patch
quilt push cmake
# Add new files not included in the cmake patch before
quilt add ossim/CMakeModules/FindGeotrans.cmake
quilt add ossim/CMakeModules/FindHDF5A.cmake
quilt add ossim/CMakeModules/FindLCMS2.cmake
# Update CMakeModules files
cp /tmp/ossim-1.8.20-3/ossim_package_support/cmake/CMakeModules/* \
# Refresh cmake patch to include the changes
quilt refresh
# Refresh all patches listed in the series files after the cmake patch
# (repeat the push & refresh commands until end of series is reached)
quilt push && quilt refresh
# Unapply all patches, those changes shouldn't be commited in git
quilt pop -a
# Remove quilt .pc directory
rm -rf .pc
# Review changes to be committed
git status
git diff
You should now have only updated patches, if so, add a changelog entry
to document the update of the cmake patch and commit the changes.
> All I need is FindGEOS.cmake (because cmake still doesn't provide it),
> OssimUtilities, OssimMacros, OssimVersion. Only these are mandatory. Other
> Find* are optional. in case cmake or the corresponding project does not
> provide them.
The cmake patch that frankie added seems to include the entire
CMakeModules directory, having it included Find* modules that aren't
used is not a problem. Updating all is easier that just those that are
actually used.
> Should I delete and recreate the branch upstream/ I tried to
> delete and it says cannot find branch upstream/ I will check it
> tomorrow.
upstream/ is not a branch, it's a tag of a commit in the
upstream branch.
If you imported your new tarball with `gbp import-orig` it will have
created the upstream/ tag which you need to delete before
pushing your changes to Alioth (use `git tag -d`). You also need to undo
the changes to the upstream and pristine-tar branches for your test tarball.
> Last point,
> The patch to ossim/CMakeLists.txt seems inappropriate to me. Do we need to
> provide both static and shared in the single package ?
I don't know why it was added, you should ask frankie who added it. I
kept these changes because it was added for a reason, and didn't want to
make drastic changes to the ossim package which I only updated to fix
some bugs for 1.8.16, and recently to update it to 1.8.20 to assist the
OSGeo-Live effort which uses the packaging too.
Kind Regards,
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