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Re: upgrade orfeotoolbox to 5.0

Hi Rashad,

I've pushed some more changes to address some of the issues I
encountered. Comments about the packaging follow, not all of them have
been addressed yet.


 * I noticed that the Software Guide [1] includes OpenJPEG, but no
   build dependency for OpenJPEG was included for the package. I found
   the comments about that in the lintian-overrides, which are better
   suited for the README.source.

 * The Software Guide [1] also includes Mapnik, but no build dependency
   for Mapnik is included for the package either. Mapnik 3 doesn't
   appear supported yet.

 * libotb provides itself, as does libotb-dev. These Provides can be

 * libotb has a hardcoded dependency on libgdal1h, this is no longer
   available in sid since gdal (1.11.2+dfsg-1). ${shlibs:Depends}
   should take care of the libgdal dependency using its symbols.

 * otb-bin{,-qt} should depend on libotb (= ${binary:Version}) because
   libotb doesn't use symbols. ${shlibs:Depends} now only includes
   "libotb" without a version.



 * The DIST variable is not used, and there is no build dependency on
   lsb-release. Good candidate for removal.

 * It's good practice to use dh_install --list-missing to spot any
   files that are built but not installed. The duplicate license file
   and pyc can be explicitly removed too or just ignored.


 * Why does it install usr/bin/otbTestDriver, isn't that better suited
   in otb-bin?


 * Why does it install usr/lib/libOTBCommandLine*.so.*, those libraries
   belongs in libotb. The ${shlibs:Depends} already take care of the
  dependency on libotb.


 * Same as for otb-bin, the libraries belong in libotb. If you don't
   want to the qt dependencies on libotb, you should move the QtWidget
   library to libotb-qtwidget or some other libotb-qt package.

I'll have a look at the lintian issues later this weekend.

Kind Regards,


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