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Re: Please do not forget to mention Debian GIS in release notes [was: Bug#782695: release-notes: please add news from Debian Med to release notes]

Hi Andreas,

On 04/19/2015 02:47 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> just to get on your nerves a bit:  I'd *really* consider it very
> important that Debian GIS shows up in the release notes.  Otherwise
> you will loose a singular chance to propagate the project in the
> news which could bring several new developers and users.
> Thanks for considering
>      Andreas.
> PS: I'd even volunteer to write a draft but we need to be really
>     quick.

I think this train has passed, and I don't consider that a problem.

But if you insist on including Debian GIS in the release notes I've
summarized the changes for jessie below which you can use for your draft.

> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 02:58:27PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> I would mention something in the lines
>>    fruitful cooperation with UbuntuGIS has shown first results
>> Just rememeber that Debian release notes have a wide user coverage and
>> it would not harm if this cooperation is mentioned here to let people
>> know.

During the jessie development cycle many changes from UbuntuGIS were
incorporated (back) into Debian GIS.

Collaboration with UbuntuGIS and OSGeo-Live projects was improved,
resulting in new packages and contributors.

Where possible an effort will be made to provide backports for new
upstream releases of non-library packages.

New in Debian GIS:

 * geolinks 0.0.1
 * MapCache 1.2.1
 * mapnik-vector-tile 0.5.1
 * Meteorological data Ingest-Processing Package (mipp) 0.9.1
 * osmctools 0.3
 * OWSlib 0.8.10
 * pg_compirator 2.2.5
 * pgRouting 2.0.0
 * pktools 2.5.3
 * Pycoast 0.5.2
 * pykdtree 0.2
 * pyorbital 0.3.2
 * Pyresample 1.1.0
 * QMapShack 0.6.0
 * ReadOSM 1.0.0b
 * rel2gpx 0.27
 * SAGA 2.1.2
 * SpatiaLite GUI 1.7.1
 * TinyOWS 1.1.0 (non-free, amd64 only)

Software updates:

 * GDAL updated to 1.10.1
 * GEOS updated to 3.4.2
 * GRASS updated to 6.4.4
 * HDF5 updated to 1.8.13
 * GeoTIFF updated to 1.4.0
 * libLAS updated to 1.8.0
 * Mapnik updated to 2.2.0
 * MapServer updated to 6.4.1
 * osgEarth updated to 2.5
 * osm2pgsql updated to 0.86.0
 * osmosis updated to 0.43.1
 * OSSIM updated to 1.8.16
 * PostGIS updated to 2.1.4
 * PROJ.4 updated to 4.8.0
 * PySHP updated to 1.2.1
 * QGIS updated to 2.4.0
 * QLandkarteGT updated to 1.7.7
 * ShapeLib updated to 1.3.0
 * SpatialIndex updated to 1.8.1
 * SpatiaLite updated to 4.1.1
 * TerraLib updated to 4.3.0

Important changes:

 * creepy has been removed due to an unresolved release critical bug.

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