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Re: New releases libosmium, osmium-tool, osmcoastline

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 10:15:22PM +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> > Unfortunately I don't understand what I am supposed to do to bring the
> > debian repositories up to date with those versions... even after reading
> > http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/policy/packaging.html .
> Have you also read the "Upgrading to a new upstream release" section in
> the "Packaging walkthrough"?
> http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/policy/packaging.html#git-new-upstream

Yes, I have and I couldn't understand what I was supposed to do.

> This section documents the typical first steps for updating existing
> packaging for a new upstream release.
> The section still needs to be expanded of typical things to do after and
> while refreshing the patches, most importantly reviewing license &
> copyright changes, possible new dependencies, etc.
> I appreciate feedback what to improve in our documentation to make it
> more useful as a reference for these kinds of tasks.

First, the docbook styling is hard to understand. H4 are the same size as
normal text and H5 are actually smaller. This makes it difficult to see the
structure of the document. And the black on white with interspersed white on
black code blocks is rather jarring. But thats just styling, not so important.

I think the document needs more complete howto code sections. I think the code
sections are much more useful than the text. All I want to do is copy-and-paste
a few commands, maybe change the name of the repository and run it. I am going
to script this on my side anyway. If I can't script it, it is not going to work
anyway, because when I next look at it two months later I might be able to
remember to call "update_all_my_repositories" or so, but not complex pbuilder
command lines.

So the problem really is that there are too many options in the document.
I understand it is necessary, because there are different ways of doing things,
but for me I only need one option. :-) At the moment I have to follow the text
and understand for each code section whether it applies in my case and I have
to run it or not. Maybe this can be done by an approach like this:

"To update to a new version, run these commands:
If they all work, you are done. If any of them fails, read the following
background information..."

This way most people only have to read the easy case. Remember I don't have
to know everything and be able to do everything. I am fine with you setting
up the difficult stuff and me only running some scripts occasionally to
update to a new version of fix a small problem in the package. If I have to
do anything complex, I will run back to you anyway, because you are doing
such a good job. :-)

Jochen Topf  jochen@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-173-7019282

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