Re: OpenStreetMap tile rendering stack in debian-gis
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 09:03:04AM -0600, Kai Krueger wrote:
> On 04/18/2013 08:15 AM, Hamish wrote:
> >Kai wrote:
> >>currently it is not easily possible to set up a map
> >>rendering tile stack with only official debian packages for
> >>the default OSM tile rendering stack (mod_tile, renderd,
> >>osm2pgsql), as not everything is packaged or is a little out
> >>of date.
> >
> >Hi Kai,
> >
> >while it is more of an effort to "make it work" than a propper
> >packaging effort,
I do not agree with the point Hamish is making here. As you might have
noticed I'm pushing the Blends principle also into Debian GIS and *my*
*personal* view on these things is that we[1] as the team inside Debian
that cares for GIS applications should try very hard to make it brain
dead simple for the user to get his dedicated box up and running. The
goal of Blends is to make Debian the distribution of choice for a
specific workfield. So delivering outdated - and as far as I have
understood Kai partly unsuable - packages should not be excused.
> much of what you list is installed on the
> >OSGeo Live DVD, based on xUbuntu 12.04.
Refering to Debian derivatives like *buntu or whatever is no excuse to
deliver old packages. On the contrary we should deliver up to date
packages to enable the people who are deriving from Debian doing this
straight and without forcing them to do the work they either could
expect us to do or if we realise that we are lacking the apropriate
manpower we should invite those people to work together with us by using
a common packaging VCS and we could sponsor their work straight to
Debian. We are doing this in Debian Med quite successfully since years
that derivatives (most importantly BioLinux which is a Ubuntu
derivative) maintain packages they need inside Debian Med VCS and we are
sponsoring their work straight to the Debian mirror. From there they
fetch via Ubuntu what they need (not yet all - but we are working on
Moreover refering to some Live DVD makes your argument weak that there
is more of an effort to "make it work". If there is a live medium that
makes everything work I can not imagine that it should be impossible to
create a metapackage depending from the proper packages and add some
scripts that do the final preparation to make everything work.
> >install scripts are here:
> >
> Thanks for the link.
> For Ubuntu, I already maintain a PPA that has mod_tile / renderd and
> osm2pgsql packages [1].
> For mapnik there is also a separate PPA [2]
> And for Tilemill there is yet another PPA [3]
> But I would rather prefer not to have to redirect people to use PPAs
> or Live DVDs to get a working tile rendering stack setup for
> mod_tile.
This is a *perfectly* valid requirement and my vision of Debian is that
we try to assemble all those people working hard to provide PPAs in a
good quality here in properly designed teams (Blends) who work together
on the packaging instead of spreading good solutions all over web
> Which is why I would like to get these into the proper
> debian (and Ubuntu) repositories.
Do you need a sponsor for your work? After I started Mentoring of
Month[2] for Debian Med (and I wished other teams would follow this
example) I consider an effort of "Sponsering of Blends" because I
realised that sometimes people simply fail to find a sponsor of their
work. I will not have the time for intensive mentoring but checking and
uploading a proper package should be fine. My conditions would be that
the package is maintained in one of the Blends team VCS and is mentioned
in a tasks file of some Blend.
So if it would help you I would volunteer for your packages even before
I officially announced this.
> Particularly as all three of the
> PPAs have Mapnik included and partly in different versions, making
> the three PPAs incompatible with each other.
Terrifying. Please lets stop this.
Kind regards
[1] I admit I do not consider myself as a big GIS supporter because my
field is more on Medicine and Biology - so this "we" on my side is
a bit weak.
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