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Re: Packages maintained by Debian GIS but not mentioned in metapackages

Hi Andreas,

Il 14/03/2013 14:43, Andreas Tille ha scritto:


So I was running some Blends tool to check whether all packages
maintained by

    Debian GIS Project <pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>

are properly mentioned in the Debian GIS tasks files and detected
several missings.  I admit that I'm no GIS expert at all and have real
problems to categorise these packages into the proper tasks (either
existing ones or to be created tasks).  I would like to ask for help
where to check the following list.  I listed binary package - short
description and if I somehow feelt that it makes some sense I added
the package to a task marked by "--> <taskname>".  Please check
whether you confirm with this.  Those I were totally unsure about
are marked by ??? with suggestions in ():

  dans-gdal-scripts - GDAL contributed tools by Geographic Information Network of Alaska
    --> sar


  gmt-coast-low - Low resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
  gmt-gshhs-full - Full resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
  gmt-gshhs-high - High resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
  gmt-gshhs-low - Low resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
    --> ??? ('sar', or even to be created 'data'?)

there is some package in the remote sensing task that depends on GMT but IMO the coastline data can't be considered specific of that task.

+1 doe data

  h5utils - HDF5 files visualization tools
    --> workstation

  libjts-java - JTS Topology Suite
    --> workstation

  libgdal1-1.9.0-grass - GRASS extension for the GDAL library
    --> sar

workstation IMO

  libgeo-proj4-perl - PROJ.4 library for cartographic projections
    --> workstation (only Suggests, because seems to be rather a dependency
                     of other packages - probably fits good into devel (see

  libgeo-point-perl - module to simplify handling geographic points
    --> workstation

  libosm-gary68-perl - OpenStreetMap perl module
    --> osm

  geotiff-bin - the GeoTIFF library -- tools
    --> workstation

  libkml-java - A library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Java package
  python-kml  - A library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Python extension
    --> workstation (only suggested, because quite development oriented - see below)

  liblas-bin - ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset
    --> workstation (should it rather be sar??)

  rasterlite-bin - command line tools for librasterlite
    --> workstation
        BTW, the dscription is pretty useless and should not be only
        understandable by insiders

  nco        - command-line operators to analyze netCDF files
  ncview     - A X11 visual browser for NetCDF format files
  netcdf-bin - Programs for reading and writing NetCDF files
    --> workstation + sar (only suggested for the moment because it seems not
        specifically GIS oriented even if useful for GIS tasks ... at least to
        my poor understanding)

  osgearth - Dynamic 3D terrain rendering toolkit for OpenSceneGraph (binaries)
    --> workstation

  python-epr   - Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (Python 2)
  python-pyshp - read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
    --> workstattion (only suggested because API and no application -
        see below)

python-epr is already in the remote sensing task but IMO workstation and/or dev is also OK

  python-pyproj - Python interface to PROJ.4 library
    --> workstation

  spatialite-bin - Geospatial extension for SQLite - tools
  spatialite-gui - user-friendly graphical user interface for SpatiaLite
    --> workstation

  libreadosm-dev - simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - headers
    --> osm (only suggests, see below)

  tilecache  - a web map tile caching system
  tilelite   - lightweight Mapnik tile-server
  tilestache - map tiles caching system
    --> osm (but with a very bad feeling here - it rather belongs to some
             not yet existing task osm-server IMHO)

  totalopenstation - download and process data from total station devices
  (currently only in NEW but Blends web sentinel is aware about packages
   in NEW)
    --> tools (just invented this task - could profit from your input
               what could fit here as well)

I also wonder what you might think about developer oriented tasks which
are used in Debian Med and Debian Science.  We could either split these
into different topics like

    gis-gps-dev, gis-osm-dev, etc. or simply

featuring development library packages like for instance

    libepr-api2-dev, libgeo-proj4-perl, libgeotiff-dev,
    libgrits-dev, libkml-java, python-kml, libkml-dev,
    libterralib-dev, python-epr, python-pyshp, libreadosm-dev,

python-gdal IMO belongs to the same category

It would be great if you GIS experts could have a thorough look at the
resulting tasks page of the web sentinel[4] to see whether all my
changes would make sense or not.

I would consider uploading a new set of debian-gis metapackages
targeting at Wheezy where we will probably get permission for
considering my request to Debian Release team[5] (even if I forgot
to mention debian-gis in this very mail.)  The rationale is to
advertise Debian GIS amongst Wheezy users as best as possible and
thus making people aware that there is a team that cares for GIS
applications and might be interested in fresh blood.

Kind regards


[1] http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2013/vortraege/164
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/Developers
[3] http://people.debian.org/~tille/talks/201302_fosdem_distro/
[4] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/gis/tasks/
[5] https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2012/06/msg00323.html

the task file for the remote sensing task is currently sar.
I don't know if the task file name has any relevance in the process of metapackages generation. If it does you should consider to rename the task file: remote sensing is a wider scope with respect to SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)


Antonio Valentino

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