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Packages maintained by Debian GIS but not mentioned in metapackages


I tried to force myself a bit to dive into Debian GIS a bit more in
detail and thus registered a talk about it at Chemnitzer LinuxTage[1].
I admit it is a bit Blends centric (well, I need to start with something
I know well enough).  Even if I think that the Blends idea and tools
usage is not perfectly adopted in Debian GIS I really hope to push it a
bit because I'm really enthusiastic about its very positive effect on
your sister project Debian Med.  Considering that the pure existence of
Debian Med had brought ten new Debian developers to the project who
would not had considered joining if Debian Med would not have
existed[2].  IMHO some extra man-power does never hurd - if you want to
get some more details about the Blends principle advantages in Debian
Med feel free to watch the video of my FOSDEM talk[3].

So I was running some Blends tool to check whether all packages
maintained by

   Debian GIS Project <pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>

are properly mentioned in the Debian GIS tasks files and detected
several missings.  I admit that I'm no GIS expert at all and have real
problems to categorise these packages into the proper tasks (either
existing ones or to be created tasks).  I would like to ask for help
where to check the following list.  I listed binary package - short
description and if I somehow feelt that it makes some sense I added
the package to a task marked by "--> <taskname>".  Please check
whether you confirm with this.  Those I were totally unsure about
are marked by ??? with suggestions in ():

 dans-gdal-scripts - GDAL contributed tools by Geographic Information Network of Alaska
   --> sar

 gmt-coast-low - Low resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
 gmt-gshhs-full - Full resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
 gmt-gshhs-high - High resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
 gmt-gshhs-low - Low resolution coastlines for the Generic Mapping Tools
   --> ??? ('sar', or even to be created 'data'?)

 h5utils - HDF5 files visualization tools
   --> workstation

 libjts-java - JTS Topology Suite
   --> workstation

 libgdal1-1.9.0-grass - GRASS extension for the GDAL library
   --> sar

 libgeo-proj4-perl - PROJ.4 library for cartographic projections
   --> workstation (only Suggests, because seems to be rather a dependency
                    of other packages - probably fits good into devel (see

 libgeo-point-perl - module to simplify handling geographic points
   --> workstation

 libosm-gary68-perl - OpenStreetMap perl module
   --> osm

 geotiff-bin - the GeoTIFF library -- tools
   --> workstation

 libkml-java - A library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Java package
 python-kml  - A library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Python extension
   --> workstation (only suggested, because quite development oriented - see below)

 liblas-bin - ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset
   --> workstation (should it rather be sar??)

 rasterlite-bin - command line tools for librasterlite
   --> workstation
       BTW, the dscription is pretty useless and should not be only
       understandable by insiders

 nco        - command-line operators to analyze netCDF files
 ncview     - A X11 visual browser for NetCDF format files
 netcdf-bin - Programs for reading and writing NetCDF files
   --> workstation + sar (only suggested for the moment because it seems not
       specifically GIS oriented even if useful for GIS tasks ... at least to
       my poor understanding)

 osgearth - Dynamic 3D terrain rendering toolkit for OpenSceneGraph (binaries)
   --> workstation

 python-epr   - Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (Python 2)
 python-pyshp - read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
   --> workstattion (only suggested because API and no application -
       see below)

 python-pyproj - Python interface to PROJ.4 library
   --> workstation

 spatialite-bin - Geospatial extension for SQLite - tools
 spatialite-gui - user-friendly graphical user interface for SpatiaLite
   --> workstation

 libreadosm-dev - simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - headers
   --> osm (only suggests, see below)

 tilecache  - a web map tile caching system
 tilelite   - lightweight Mapnik tile-server
 tilestache - map tiles caching system
   --> osm (but with a very bad feeling here - it rather belongs to some
            not yet existing task osm-server IMHO)

 totalopenstation - download and process data from total station devices
 (currently only in NEW but Blends web sentinel is aware about packages
  in NEW)
   --> tools (just invented this task - could profit from your input
              what could fit here as well)

I also wonder what you might think about developer oriented tasks which
are used in Debian Med and Debian Science.  We could either split these
into different topics like

   gis-gps-dev, gis-osm-dev, etc. or simply

featuring development library packages like for instance

   libepr-api2-dev, libgeo-proj4-perl, libgeotiff-dev,
   libgrits-dev, libkml-java, python-kml, libkml-dev,
   libterralib-dev, python-epr, python-pyshp, libreadosm-dev,

It would be great if you GIS experts could have a thorough look at the
resulting tasks page of the web sentinel[4] to see whether all my
changes would make sense or not.

I would consider uploading a new set of debian-gis metapackages
targeting at Wheezy where we will probably get permission for
considering my request to Debian Release team[5] (even if I forgot
to mention debian-gis in this very mail.)  The rationale is to
advertise Debian GIS amongst Wheezy users as best as possible and
thus making people aware that there is a team that cares for GIS
applications and might be interested in fresh blood.

Kind regards


[1] http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2013/vortraege/164
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/Developers
[3] http://people.debian.org/~tille/talks/201302_fosdem_distro/
[4] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/gis/tasks/
[5] https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2012/06/msg00323.html


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