Re: [DebianGIS] Specific packages for SAR and earth observation
Hi Antonio,
I have to admit I have real problems to read your mails. Your line breaking
is quite confusing and I hope I did not missed something in your response.
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:10:34PM +0100, wrote:
> OK, let me know how I can contribute but, I repeat, I'm not an expert in
> licensing issues, so any contribute of mine should be carefully
> reviewed.
I have no idea what might make a licensing "expert". For the moment it
might be sufficient to detect those programs with a clear license from
the well known set in /usr/share/common-licenses. It would be good if
you could inspect the sources of the programs you proposed to include
for such licenses.
> > > Interested people can take a look to
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > for pre-built packages for Ubuntu 10.10 and to
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > for packaging source code (upstream source
> > > are not in the repo).
> >
> > Links to the packages in Launchpad can be given using the Pkg-URL
> > field (see [1]).
> OK
I injected three examples into
with all the information I was able to find quickly. In the case of
polsarpro I trusted your debian/copyright that it is GPL2. In the case
of doris the web page says "free for non-commercial use" and your
copyright says GPL3. I have not checked what is actually correct but I
left the more conservative non-free. Feel free to correct me if you are
sure about this and copyright statement is clear. I have not checked the
license for getorb just to safe time.
Please frogive my ignorance about launchpad but I have not found ready
to install deb packages. So I simply directed the Pkg-URL field to the
debian/ packaging dir which is fine for the moment. It just points the
interested reader to a location where the work is done.
> From my point of view yes, it would be nice to have a SAR section at the
> Debian GIS tasks pages and I will be happy to contribute as I can. And
> yes, I'm not to much familiar with this kind of things so a couple of
> examples would be useful.
I hope the three examples I have given in SVN (see above) which are
rendered to
will give you an idea what to do. If you would like to edit the file
directly you need to become a member of Debian Blends team on Alioth but
sending me patches for the moment is perfectly fine. Please inspect
carefully what I have written especially the description of the task
on top would need some more love (perhaps explaining in detail what SAR
means). I also simply copied the web site text for the Pkg-Description
fields (I should rather have used the descriptions from your control
files - but I detected them to late).
If you feel some need you can also add some Remark fields in the same
syntax as Pkg-Description.
Kind regards
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