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Re: [DebianGIS] grass62?

Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
> We should probably resume for lenny a grass-cvs source package to stay
> on the edge with latest not-so-stable release with a fast development
> cycle. That is/was commonly done for package difficult to test
> extensivly with confidence...

I don't mind a grass-cvs package in experimental, but for lenny I think
it should be from the 6.2.x line. (At least for the next 12-18 months;
depends on how long lenny will take....)

6.0.x was closed for new features at the end of 2004, which is why there
is such a big jump in features with the new 6.2.0. Right now 6.3-cvs is
really a development version, several things are in flux which will take
a while to settle down.

Any grass-cvs source package should be based on a weekly CVS snapshot,


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