Re: [DebianGIS] Please, folks : use binary-indep whenever needed.
On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 02:17:49PM +0100, Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:
> I just noticed that gdal packaging needs one more revision because it
> create a -doc package in the binary-arch section. That's a policy
> violation, I'm pointing here because it could be of interest
> for a few maintainers. In case of 'all' packages, please use the required
> 'binary-indep' target in rules and call debhelper methods with '-a' for
> 'binary-arch' and '-i' for 'binary-indep'. You can find many examples
> out there, see any of my -doc creating source packages (e.g. aolserver4 or proftpd)
> for an example of use.
Just for note, using the same build/install target for both -indep and
-arch is also suboptimal, it would be better having them completely
different and appropriate.
PS: for unknown reason also grass lost correnct targeting
since 6.x branch started.
Francesco P. Lovergine
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