Re: [DebianGIS] gdal lintian erros
On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 14:12 -0800, Jon Saints wrote:
> looks like we are getting lintain errors because gdal control file
> lists the standards version as 3.6.1. Any ideas where I could look to
> see what it would take to update our files so I could list us as
> 3.6.2?
/usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt 2005
* Recommend doc-base, and not menu, for registering package
* Run time support programs should live in subdirectories of
/usr/lib/ or /usr/share, and preferably the shared lib is named
the same as the package name (to avoid name collisions). [8.1]
* It is recommended that HTTP servers provide an alias /images to
allow packages to share image files with the web server [11.5]
I believe we can bump to 3.6.2 without any changes and note that in the
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