Re: [DebianGIS] gdal package names?
On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 10:03:07AM -0500, Steve Halasz wrote:
> >
> > libgdal1-1.3
> > libgdal1-1.3-dev
> >
> > could suffices.
> I like having the minor version in there since the expectation is that
> the ABI will change even for minor versions.
Well the C++ ABI could change also independently by the ustream intentions
(as the latest migration in sid showned) and could require appending
some more exotic suffix. Anyway, here we go... I added a couple of
details in the changelog on CVS. Whenever you did the last change
we can upload and start the Great Sync for all dependent packages
whenever the package would pass the NEW queue.
After the sync, we could also require a Britney hint to vorlon & C
to propagate in testing.
Francesco P. Lovergine
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