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[DebianGIS] Summary about libgdal issue for ftp-masters, please contribute and do not break the thread

I think we need a summary about the libgdal issue to avoid rejecting from ftpmasters for hijacking. 

AFAIK, we are going to release a libgdal1.3.1 package (maybe libgdal1.3 could be more appropriate ?)
to superseed the current sid libgdal due to changes in C++ API. As
stated by upstream, C++ interface is far from being stabilized and
currently break things at every new release. The C API is stable, so the
SONAME do not change. Unfortunately a few packages depends on the C++
interfaces, so we need to keep in sync things at source level among them, which is suboptimal,
but better than having programs faulting at every new release of the libgdal program.

Future releases will keep their version in the library pkg name as well.
Next step will be moving the C++ part in a standalone library pkg, and
waiting for a final (eventually) stabilzation at upstream level, before reverting
finally things to a more sane status.

Reference: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-grass-general/2005-December/001498.html

Francesco P. Lovergine

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