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Re: [Pkg-grass-general] DebianGIS on testing?

> > are there any plans to build qgis, grass libgdal-grass on testing?
> > When I try to set up my source.list, I cannot get any packages.

Only unstable packages exist there right now, but those work fine on
testing AFAICT. symlinks, or is that just asking for trouble?

> You can install selected packages from unstable using apt pinning[1].
> [1] http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html

That links seems to be broken right now, so:

- add the alioth lines in to sources.list as unstable not testing
- add these lines to a file called /etc/apt/apt.conf

        Default-Release "testing";

then to keep the main system as testing, but to install a particular
package from unstable (with dependancies) use the -t flag with apt-get:

apt-get update && apt-get -t unstable install PACKAGE

This will give you a [Y/n] prompt which will give you a way out if the
unstable package you want requires a new libc or something that wants to
upgrade a large chunk of your system.

(actually at this point I think just 'apt-get install grass' gets you
the alioth version since 5.0.3 has been removed from testing)

It's really quite easy this way.


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