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Re: [Pkg-grass-general] Re: Bug#264566: Any progress on grass 5.7?

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I do not think 5.3 is much more stable than 5.7, anyway (or, am I wrong?), and 
5.0 is definitely too old. We work with 5.7 as users, in production, without 
major problems. And things should stabilize soon. In my view, the best thing 
for Debian-GIS would be to get ready (solving the grass57-gdal-qgis 
intricacies) for January or so, when the whole system should be ready.


At 18:24, lunedì 11 ottobre 2004, Steve Halasz has probably written:
> On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 23:24, Hamish wrote:
> 8<-----
> > For now I think 5.7.0 is a good starting point, although it is almost
> > four months old now. In future, definitely pull from a cvs snapshot if
> > there hasn't been a new point version, the question is how often? twice
> > a year? four times a year? I guess it depends on how much work it takes
> > the maintainers to get one out.
> Hamish,
> I feel more comfortable working from the stable releases (and 5.7 is
> already not considered the stable branch). I would hesitate to pull
> anything from CVS but security patches.
> Steve
- -- 
Paolo Cavallini
cavallini@faunalia.it            www.faunalia.it
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