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Re: [HS] Re: webcam philips usb + (vidcat || w3cam)

Fabien Penso wrote:
>  > a propos du driver de webcam usb philips,
>  > j'ai pu installer le decompresseur suplementaire avec succes et
>  > camstream fonctionne parfaitement bien maintenant meme en 640x480.
>  > Je n'arrive cependant pas a utiliser vidcat ou w3cam c'est bien dommage,
>  > penser vous a un probleme
>  > de gestion du drivers philips par ces logiciels?
>  > apres avoir lancer une commande vidcat j'obtient:
>  > vidcat -d /dev/video0 -f jpeg VIDIOCMCAPTURE: Invalid argument
>  > Error: Can't get image

Les Webcam Philips utilise une palette dite YUV420P que trés peu
d'utilitaire reconnaise actuellement.
vidcat en fait surement partie.

> Par contre camE me met un bord grisé assez chiant
> (http://perso.linuxfr.org/penso/webcam/essai.jpg) alors que xawtv non...

camE se configure. Il suffit de mettre dans le fichier de conf .camErc
dans la section [grab] les paramètres :
width = 320
height = 240

Exemple de config exhaustive que j'utilise avec une Philips ToUCam Pro.

device = /dev/v4l/video0

# Where to log activity. comment out this line to disable logging
logfile = /home/redfox/.camlog

# Delay between uploading one shot and starting the next
delay  = 1
# Do we want to correct the delay for a slow connect?
# (keeps the perpetually updating clients in sync)
correct = 0
# Scale image resolution dynamically based on bandwidth?
# percentage of the delay to spend uploading the image,
# 100 disables, useful values are < 40
percent = 100

# Image settings
contrast = 50
brightness = 50
hue = 50
colour = 50
whiteness = 50

# Only for philips cams right now
framerate = 5

# Size
width  = 320
height = 240

# Image source (channel)
input  = 0
# 0 for PAL, 1 for NTSC
norm   = 1

# Close device
close_dev = 0

# Jpeg quality (you can save as png etc too, but then quality does
quality = 75

# File to check for before shooting. while this file exists, no shots
# be taken.
#blockfile = /tmp/BLOCKCAM
# Shots will only be taken/uploaded if the specified interface is
#watch_interface = ppp0

# Do things. like play sounds or whatever. Each is a shell command.

# Image processing
#crop = 1
#crop_width = 320
#crop_height = 240
#crop_x = 20
#crop_y = 20

# Scaling is applied after cropping, so you can
# remove borders then stretch up the result
#scale = 1
#scale_width = 640
#scale_height = 480

# Do things. like play sounds or whatever. Each is a shell command.

# Image to overlay
#overlay_image = /tmp/.lb.png
overlay_x = 0
overlay_y = 0

# Directory to look for ttf fonts in
ttf_dir = /usr/share/fonts/ttf/western

# Color/transparency of rectangle behind text
# make it 0,0,0,0 to disable.
bg_a = 0
bg_b = 0
bg_g = 0
bg_a = 100

# Goes in the top right. strftime() is run on this too, so put date
stuff in
# if you like
title_text = RedFox@home TV
# Fancy font styles
#title_style = /path/to/title.style
# Font for title text. fontname/size
title_font = Adventure/8
# Color/transparency of title text
title_r = 255
title_g = 255
title_b = 0
title_a = 255

# This goes at the bottom left, with the message from "infofile"
# It is run through strftime, so date vars are expanded.
text   = %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z - 
# Gets the message text from here. one line allowed only. means you can
# stuff like echo "sleeping and stuff" > ~/.caminfo
infofile = /home/redfox/.caminfo
# Fancy font styles
#text_style = /path/to/text.style
# Font for message text. fontname/size
text_font = Adventure/8
# Color/transparency of message text
text_r = 255
text_g = 255
text_b = 0
text_a = 255

# Store temp image on local machine
temp_file = /home/redfox/public_html/webcam/webcam.jpg

#postprocess = 

# Directory to archive pics in. They are datestamped and saved in here.
#archive = /tmp/webcam
# Extension (determines type) of archived images.
archive_ext = jpg

# File to check before shotting, while this file exists, shots will be
# but not uploaded.
#uploadblockfile = /tmp/BLOCKUPLOAD

# Do things. like play sounds or whatever. Each is a shell command.

# Lag reduction, takes 5 shots, discards the first 4, thus clearing mmap
# buffers
lag_reduce = 5

host = ftp.domain.tld
user = login
pass = password
dir  = public_html/webcam

# Where should the file end up? Also, this extension determines the file
# type the image is saved as. Try image.png for a png.
file = webcam.jpg

# camE uploads to a temp file, and moves it across when done
# this way people don't view half-uploaded images
tmp  = uploading.jpg

# Do passive ftp?
passive = 0

# Ftp debugging? (noisy)
debug = 0

# Actually do the upload? If do = 0, just take and archive pics.
# you can set ftp->do to 0 above and use scp instead - you still need
# the dir, file and tmp settings in the ftp section for this to work.
do = 1

# Timeout
timeout = 30

# An interface to use for non-passive ftp.  use "-" to let libcurl
choose, or
# use a real interface name.  (libcurl often chooses incorrectly)
interface = -

#target = user@host
timeout = 30

Christophe Merlet (RedFox)

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