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Re: ISDN : Configuration fichiers connexion [LONG]

On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 08:10:41AM +0200, Hervé Thibaud wrote:
> Pour une connexion ISDN vers un FAI, je voudrais un exemple de configuration
> des fichiers device.ipppX et ipppd.ipppX avec une bonne indication sur
> l'endroit ou il faut mettre le code de connexion (username) et le mot de
> passe, savoir s'il faut le mettre entre guilletmet ou non

# set some important values
# Use for LOCALIP and for REMOTEIP if you have
# dynamic IP addresses; with static address fill in the real values!

REMOTEIP=  # XXX_ (mon réseau local etant en

# Phone numbers (without the leading zero)
LOCALMSN=476xxxxxx      # XXX_ (mon numéro ISDN)
#REMOTEMSN=836019301    # wanadoo.fr (j'alterne entre les deux)
REMOTEMSN=860922000     # free.fr

# Options file for ipppd.
# ipppd will not read /etc/ppp/options or /etc/ppp/ioptions or any other
# config file. Everything has to be in here.

# REMOVE the next line once configuration is complete #########################
# REMOVE the above line once configuration is complete ########################

# "peer" is the name for our syncppp partner.


debug                   # enable debugging
#kdebug X               # set kernel debugging level to X
nodetach                # (no) fork to the background
#callback X             # ask for callback (parameter X ?)
#lock                   # create a lock file for device 
#domain X               # add domain X to a given hostname
#pidfile X              # save pid in file X
#call X                 # take options from privileges file (???)
#idle X                 # idle time limit (seconds)
#holdoff X              # holdoff time limit (seconds)
#maxconnect X           # set maximum connection time (in seconds ?)
#+mp                    # enable multi line ppp
#+pwlog                 # log password (WARNING: possible security hole)
#nomagic                # magic number negotiation

# ppp handshake : tuning

#silent                 # don't even try to initiate the connection
#passive                # wait for the peer to initiate the connection
#lcp-echo-failure X     # consecutive echo failures
#lcp-echo-interval X    # time for lcp echo events 
lcp-restart 1           # Set timeout for LCP 
#lcp-max-terminate X    # Set max #xmits for term-reqs
#lcp-max-configure X    # Set max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#lcp-max-failure X      # Set max #conf-naks for LCP


name MON_NOM_LOCAL      # set local name for auth
#user fti/LOGIN_WANADOO # set name for auth with peer
user LOGIN_FREE		# le reste est dans pap-secret

#usehostname            # use hostname for auth
#remotename X           # set remote name for auth
#noauth                 # (dont) require peer (the other) to auth
#require-pap            # allow only pap authetication
#require-chap           # allow only chap authentication
#login                  # use system password database for pap
#papcrypt               # pap passwords are encrypted




#noip                   # en/disable ip transfer
#X:Y                    # set local ip to X, remote ip to Y
#noipdefault            # don't use name for default ip addr
useifip                 # use ip addresses form interface
#usefirstip             # use first ip from auth file for remote
#netmask X              # set netmask X
defaultroute            # (dont) set default route 
#hostroute              # (dont) set host route
#noproxyarp             # (dont) set an proxy arp entry
#mru X                  # set maximum size of recive units to X
#default-mru            # disable mru negotation
mtu 1500                # set maximum size of transmit units to X (1500 is OK)
#useifmtu               # use mtu from interface
#ipparam X              # set ip parameters in script X
#ms-dns X               # dns address for the peers use
#ms-wins X              # wins address for the peers use
#set_userip             # define valid ip addresses in /etc/ppp/useriptab

#ipcp-restart X         # Set timeout for IPCP 
#ipcp-max-terminate X   # Set max #xmits for term-reqs 
#ipcp-max-configure X   # Set max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#ipcp-max-failure X     # Set max #conf-naks for IPCP 
#ipcp-accept-local      # Accept peer's address for us 
#ipcp-accept-remote     # Accept peer's address for it 

Bonne chance
Tout remarque concernant ma config m'intéresse ;-)
en tout cas, elle fonctionne.
Picon informatique
04 76 369 444
04 76 369 442 fax
06 07 43 32 45 port.

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