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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Renaming ttf-century-catalogue and ttf-inconsolata

Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Nicolas Spalinger (nicolas_spalinger@sil.org):
>> And then we have open fonts released by upstream authors on
>> meta-foundries like the OFLB (OpenFontLibrary) which gives us ttf-oflb-foo.
>> But I guess we can extend the concept, as long as the naming procedure
>> is consistent across our packages. What is the renaming procedure
>> currently?
> We didn't rename many fonts yet. I actually just renamed ttf-sil-yi to
> ttf-sil-nuosusil (in that case because the upstream name changed).
> If we decide to rename the existing century-catalogue and inconsolata
> packages, then we should go the same way (which is described in a wiki
> page in Debian wiki: basically the new packages Conflicts and Provides
> the old one).

Other renaming we should consider for consistency both in package names,
names in our repository and names in the font folders

- ttf-linex -> ttf-gnulinex-$nameoffontfamily (split by font family)
- linux-libertine -> ttf-linux-libertine // ttf-linux-biolinum
- ttf-arabeyes -> ttf-arabeyes-foo (split by font family)
- ttf-paktype -> ttf-paktype-naqsh //  ttf-paktype-tehreer

- ttf-$languagename should probably be metapackages pointing to
ttf-$foundry-$nameoffontfamily packages

- fonts published by the OFLB -> ttf-oflb-foo

- packages with both ttf and fonts in their names should be simplified:
ttf-foo-fonts -> ttf-$foofoundry-$foo

- packages with huge amounts of fonts (everything from one single
foundry usually) are not the best approach: (ex: the aenigma package
http://pkg-fonts.alioth.debian.org/review/pkg-ttf-aenigma.html ), they
should really be split as in the usage scenario such collections are not
 always used together at the same time, both they take up space and tend
to clutter the font menu.

Could the relevant maintainers take a look at the naming of their
packages? Thanks!

I'm hoping to have more time for packaging over the next few weeks...

Nicolas Spalinger, NRSI volunteer
Debian/Ubuntu font teams / OpenFontLibrary

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