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Re: two down one to go

First, you may not have copied the interfaces information correctly. 
You are mixing a "dhcp" specification with "static" information.

I am guessing that what you want is:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
	address 192.168.0.x

the next thing you will have to check is your /etc/resolv.conf file.  It
tells your computer where to get DNS information from.  If you are not
running an internal DNS server you will have to specify the DNS server
ip addresses of your internet server provider.  The easiest way to find
that information is to cat your /etc/resolv.conf on your firewall.  When
it used DHCP to get its' outside interface IP address it also received
DNS resolver addresses.

I can't help you out with the Mac' as it has been about 18 years since I
last used one of those.

There is one last possibility and that is to run a DHCP server on your
firewall.  Now most people reading this on the mailing list will HOWL
about how insecure that is... they are all absolutely right!  Having
said that, a properly configured bind9 daemon, listing only to your
internal interface will solve your problems with the Mac' as well as the
addressing issues, DNS issues and lots of other potential problems as

Now, having said all of that, the better recommendation would be to
purchase a used pentium machine for $100 somewhere and set it up as your
internal DHCP server, then you can experiment with an internal web
server, mail server, proxy, maybe some samba for easy file and printer
sharing, the list goes on and on.

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 19:10, Jule Slootbeek wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Well i finally got everything working cable wise. But i have two last 
> questions, and then i will leave you all in peace, for the time being.
> i added another client to my hub, and when i set up /etc/network/interfaces 
> for it i copy the one from the working client, and change the address to get
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> 	address
> 	netmask
> 	network
> 	gateway
> with these settings i can ping all the other machines on the network, but i 
> can't get outside. For now i'm using the folowing rules. I'll tighten them up 
> once basic connectivity is established
> iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
> iptables --append FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
> which is working fine for one client. Is there anything i forgot to setup on 
> the second client? It can ping all of the other computers on the network but 
> when i try pinging www.google.com i get a host not found error.
> my second question has to do with a 3rd client, which is a iMac running OS X. 
> How can i set it up so it has a static IP of i've been doing it 
> in Network Settings, but it still refuses to connect. Could it be the same 
> problem as my second client? thus it being a server problem? or is there a 
> special way to set up OS X?
> Jule 
> - -- 
> Jule Slootbeek
> jslootbeek@clarku.edu
> 617 901 6958
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
> 3STNjFq2YCRU/vEw9u7M6IQ=
> =S3hQ
> -- 
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