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Re: Multiple DSL lines + iproute + squid ...

Scott Kveton <kveton@orst.edu> writes:

> These are the routes in the main table.  Now, I have Squid bound to
> and I want all traffic with that source to go out
> using source routing.  I would think I would do the following:
> ip ru add prio 4000 from lookup qwest_7_1
> ip ro add table qwest_7_1 via
> ip ro flush cache

I have something similar working on a RedHat system with kernel 2.2.16.  Here
are the rules which I use:

# Set up a routing table for DSL_1 network
ip route add throw table DSL_1
ip route add throw table DSL_1
ip route add throw table DSL_1
ip route add default via table DSL_1

# Route traffic via network specific routing table
ip rule add from to 0/0 lookup DSL_1 priority 4000

The throw routes are necessary so that you don't force local traffic out the
gateway  ... when you have multiple local networks you want to keep the local
networks talking locally.

> If I do a `ping -I ftp.orst.edu` I get a host unreachable.

It works for me ;-)  If you still have problems let me know and I can send
you a copy of the kernel compile options I used.

Fraser Campbell <fraser@starnix.com>                          Starnix Inc.
Telephone: (905) 771-0017                       Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
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