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expected load?


I've been running a PIII-700/128MB as an iptables based firewall for the past
several days, and it seems to be experiencing practically no load. From
uptime, I see:
	00:59:56 up 4 days,  8:59,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

This firewall is has 3 interfaces, and according to 'iptraf' their current
averages are:
	eth0 ~500kbits/sec - ~800kbits/sec
	eth1 ~400kbits/sec - ~900kbits/sec
	eth2 ~75kbits/sec - ~150kbits/sec

The firewall has ~100 rules and is set to default drop. Is this kind of load
typical for this setup?



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