Re: Rewrite MAC-adr on outgoing packages?
> > The response will be send back to the source of the original package. Since
> > your linux box seems to be the source for every package, it will receive
> > every response. And what do you do with unwanted letters? :)
> Drop them in the bin ;-) All the pakages i want to handel is IP pakages.
> I want to make sure nothing with anything else then my MAC-address ever
> goes out, but I can just as well stop it as change it if it is not IP
> pakages.
Then what do you need proxy-arp for? Without it, your cablemodem will only
see the routers MAC address.
> > [good expanation removed]
> >
> > Every time, the IP package will receive a new ethernet header and your
> > cablemodem will only see one MAC address.
> My box route IP pakages between eth0 and eth1. That is working and if I
> understand You, these pakages do always get the MAC-address of the
> interface (eth-card) they leaving. Good, then IP pakages is no problem.
> > I am not very sure about arp-proxy, but a bridge will forward any package
> > without touching it.
> Is linux bridging other stuff (then IP) betwen eth0 and eth1? Is that how
> ARP get thru? ARP is not IP i beleve?
Bridging is the similar to routing, only on layer 2, i.e. ethernet. A switch
is nothing else.
> If the kernel (or somthing) is bridging, is that possably to turn off?
If you don't know about it, it is not bridging. :)
> If the kernel is nor bridging, how do wrong MAC-addresses get trhu? Is
> the MAC-adresses hiding in the data part of IP pakages? Is ARP working
> in this way?
Proxy-arp does do something similar to bridging. Probably not the same, but
I am not exactly sure about it. Is anyone?
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