Rewrite MAC-adr on outgoing packages?
What I want to do is simple:
All packeges leaving my eth0 interface shuld have the MAC-
adress of my eth0-card. Regardles if they is orginating att
another machine and only routed trhu this machine (who is
a gateway).
However 'easy' it is, I don't know a way to do it. Not in
'postrouting' filter roules, not in device configuration,
nowere else :-(
The feature shuld be usefull for completly hide NAT-ed
subnet on a local net e t c. Me myself need it as my
upstream network device (A radiomodem/link) only can
remember one MAC-address so the upstream net must beleve
my complete net have one and the same MAC-address.
I have solved it by Pryxy-ARP cacheentrys. That fixes the
packages that matters. Howewer, evrytime the upstrem
device (radiomodem) hangs, my ISP blames my outgoing
pakages with 'wrong' mac-addresses.
I'l be happy to remove that excuse ;-)
BTW1, If I have to atack the source to fix this, how
do i find out if such hack can be of intrest upstream
(so, maybe, I dont have to redo it for every upgrade)
BTW2, I have not made my Proxy ARP cacheentrys workin on
a 2.2 kernel, so my GW still runs 2.0. Have not tryed
hard with this, so, if someone have Proxy ARP experiens
in 2.2 or 2.4, pleas tell me ;-)
TIA /Lars
Lars Hallberg Micro++
Freeware * C/C++ * Python * Linux * Debian * HTML * Javascript
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