Re: Meeting in Oliviers cafe in Utrecht, August 4th, 12 o'clock
Egon Willighagen dixit:
>$ gpg --import daniel.asc
>gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
>gpg: Total number processed: 0
>The message in Gmail only has an attachment for a .msg file, but not
>the .asc attachment...
Most people use the ugly PGP/MIME, which basically means you do
$ gpg daniel.asc
<enter secret key password here>
<creates file called daniel>
$ gpg --import daniel
//mira“notation AND comment say Inline PGP, and I still get this shit, too”bilos
<Natureshadow> Dann mach ich git annex copy --to shore und fertig ist das
<Natureshadow> das ist ja viel cooler als ownCloud ...
<mirabilos> sag ich doch
<Natureshadow> ja wieso stimmt das denn immer was du sagst ...
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