debian-events-eu Jun 2007 by thread
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- Fwd: Debian Stand an OpenExpo? martin f krafft
- T-Dose 2007 Gerwin van der Kruis
- FrOSCon 2007, 25th-26th August, St.Augustin, Germany Martin Zobel-Helas
- Re: FrOSCon 2007, 25th-26th August, St.Augustin, Germany Noèl Köthe
- Re: FrOSCon 2007, 25th-26th August, St.Augustin, Germany Luk Claes
- Re: FrOSCon 2007, 25th-26th August, St.Augustin, Germany Bernd Zeimetz
- Re: FrOSCon 2007, 25th-26th August, St.Augustin, Germany Sebastian Harl
- Re: FrOSCon 2007, 25th-26th August, St.Augustin, Germany RalfGesellensetter
- Skolelinux Youngster Meeting 20.7. - 26.7. Kurt Gramlich
- Clicca qui per visitare RAGAZZA SCOPAAT. Alta Sands
- OMGWTFBBQ 2007! Steve McIntyre
- wanted: heavy transport from Cologne to Berlin, for the Chaos Communication Camp 2007 Holger Levsen
- [CfP] Debian Day @ FrOSCon 2007 Martin Zobel-Helas
- [RKI-Spam-Verdacht]Debian-Science at LSM Andreas Tille
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