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Re: T-Dose 2007

Hi all,

[T-Dose is a new open source event in Eindhoven NL, to be held in October]

On Friday 15 June 2007 18:11, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> I'm interested in arranging a Debian presence at T-Dose, of course under
> the condition that I'm not alone in that, but I think that can be arranged.
> Can you give us some more details about the event: is there some kind of
> booth-like presentation possible for projects like ours?

Ok, at least myself and Joost van Baal have indicated to come, and I've 
received word from some others that they're at least interested to come, so 
that should provide enough people to set up a booth at least.

I doubt we could fill a devroom at this point. Joost suggests that it might be 
better to have a Debian-related presentation on one of the main tracks, which 
I agree with.

If someone is interested in giving a talk to the T-Dose audience feel free to 
submit it, see www.t-dose.org.

I propose to do any further discussion on this event either on the 
debian-events-nl list or on #debian-nl on OFTC.


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