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LinuxDays.lu (25th/26th of January 2005): Organisational Things


In about one month the LinuxDays.lu will take place. We'll have a
Debian booth there.

As already told in earlier mails, the booth will be organized together
by Bob Hentges <bob.hentges@gmail.com> and me.

Who will come?

Some people already announced that they will (or may) come:

                Tue, 25th    Wed, 26th
Lionel Arend        +            +
Axel Beckert        +            +
Christoph Berg      +            +
Bob Hentges         +            +
Alexander Schmehl   ?            ?

Dalibor, what about you? Do you have time? We could rape Sparcs
again... ;-)

It would be nice, if anyone who plans to come and help at the Debian
booth would announce it here on the list or contact Bob _and_ me

What Hardware do we have?

In general, it would be nice to have at least one (working) box with
Sarge and one with Sid and appropriately big monitors.

Bob, can we expect some getting some hardware lend from the organizors
as last year? Do you still have an uptodate Debian mirror?

I'll probably bring my Hamstation (a Sparc Station 4 clone, now with a
half working Sarge on it :-) again, maybe a Pentium-1-Thinkpad, too.
(No, I don't have no new computers... ;-)

I can also bring some network stuff (a switch, ethernet cables up to
20m, etc.). 

Bob: What kind of current-plugs do we need in Luxembourg? Do German
ones fit? If so, I can bring a bunch of computer current cables
("Kaltgerätekabel" in German) or could you provide some fitting the
local plug system?

Merchandising stuff

Joost, are there still Debian flyers left? If the number hasn't
changed since 16th of December, could you send us 40 of each, FR/NL
and DE/EN? Bob, can you send him your address for the flyers, so that
the flyers are already in Luxembourg if anything goes wrong on my

Is there a possibility to get that Illiad poster with "Why Mike likes
Debian" (http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/mike.html)? Especially, are
there already copies available for selling?

Tolimar (our CEO: Chief Event Organisor ;-), Joey: What about other
Debian stuff (CDs, t-shirts, key holders, other posters, etc.) to
sell? Who can I contact for?
http://www.infodrom.org/Debian/events/booth.html doesn't mention
things like that very detailed, although the last few debian booths I
saw seemed to have always the same merchandising stuff and show case.


I wrote on 20th of October:
> Dalibor: BTW, we still owe our host from 2003 a set of Sarge CDs...
> (We thought, we'll send him a set of CDs after Sarge has become
> stable... Well, we once thought, we could send it to him as a
> christmas present. For christmas 2003... But I guess, it'll be a
> good christmas present for 2004... ;-)

Well, I hope it at least will become a good christmas present for
2005... *gd&r*

P.S.: I'll be offline until January, the 5th or so. I don't think,
      there will urgent things in the next few day, but if, please
      contact Bob. He also has my mobile phone number.

		Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - abe@deuxchevaux.org - http://abe.home.pages.de/

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