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Re: FOSDEM: t-shirts and stuff

On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 02:19:11PM +0100, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> I talked to an organizer of FOSDEM and asked if we can sell Debian
> t-shirts and he said yes.  Also, he offered a stand.  Hence: does
> anyone have t-shirts or other stuff from other events?  I think most
> t-shirts were sold at LinuxTag, so it might make sense to make new
> ones.  Who did it last year?  Where are the PostScript files for the
> shirts?  Also, I think Michael Meskes talked about printing new
> hand-outs on -events-eu recently.  Could this be done in time for
> FOSDEM?  Also, Michael, do you have some of those Debian/credativ
> pins?  And could you print t-shirts and take them to Brussels?

I send this yesterday per PM to Martin, now some more infos for the public:

I have > 40 debian t-shirts at home from last LT (the black and the
white t-shirts). Joey should have some grey debian t-shirts. I also
ordered new t-shirts from the printer.

I have also german-english debian hand-outs and some (<100) CDs from the
LT 2002. 

But I am not on the FOSDEM. sorry.

Michael Meskes (or some other) can carry this stuff to the FOSDEM (and
the rest of it back).

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
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