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open tasks, infos

(old?) Open Tasks:

  - a transport service for Joerg Jaspert
    This is URGEND. We get some hardware from this person. If we don't
    get him with his hardware ...
  - somebody who work on the posters
    -> see Mails from Joey. We have some LaTeX-Source. We need only
       update this source and we have some posters!
       This is URGEND.
  - mounting platform for the beamer
  - booth time shifts (Thimo Neubauer make this)
  - maybe we should print a CD package list with version numbers of
    the package for the booth.
  - Joerg: please don't forget to make a source CD(s)

Joerg: have you new information of your transport service?

Thimo: Is the booth time shifts ready?

some Infos:

   sorry, for the big delay. I was very busy the last days. Now I will
   start coordinating the last open tasks...

   I must move my DebianDay talks to a other day. On Friday I'm not
   really in Karlsruhe

   The CD master and the cover are ready and I odered 5000 CDs. 

   Thanks for all the work and the testing. 

   The time shifts are ready. We should now make some latex-poster
   with this time table...
   See the last infomails from joey. All mails are posted tot he list
   and you can access this mails via web

mobil phones ('handys'):

  We should collect some numbers of the booth and debian day persons
  and make a list at the booth. Maybe some one is need at the booth,
  some one forgot his time shift, ... (we don't need this public)


  I don't get comments about this task. Is this a bad idea?

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer      http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
"GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them."
                                - Richard Stallman - The GNU Manifesto, 1985

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