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Re: LinuxTag

Martin Schulze wrote:
>  . Da praktisch die gesamten CD's vom letzten LinuxTag dort verteilt
>    wurden, k?nnten wir in der Tat ?berlegen, ob wir wieder eine
>    Special Edition herstellen.
>    We'll have to find out who wants to sponsor them (5k CD's are about
>    5kDM) or if the project wants to use some of their funds for it.
>    Alternatively if we want to charge people 1-2DM per CD we should
>    not produce too many CD's.  I'd say not more than 1.5k.  This at
>    least will ensure that only interested people will get the CD and
>    not just anybody who tries to collect as much as he can from the
>    exhibition.  (I could imagine that Linuxland and LOB would sponsor
>    the CDs partially, though not very likely for 5k pieces...)
>  . Roland/Peter/Franky: H?ttet ihr wieder Zeit, euch um die
>    Herstellung zu k?mmern?

Between June 11 and Linuxtag I'll probably have a lot of time. But, I
guess that most of the CD should be ready before that. My assumption
would be that we would take testing as a base since stable woody is
rather unlikely (at least in my opinion). I would volunteer if nobody
else wants to, to coordinate the efforts, maybe collect package requests
as last year (create consistant package lists with resolved
dependencies, etc), but I would be glad if somebody else would volunteer
to master the CD since I don't have the time and facilities at the moment.
Maybe Torsten, or Michael would be interested... (/me looks at bluehorn
and grisu...) Frank did a very good job with the labels last year. Would
you be able/willing to do that again? Maybe, everybody willing to help
should send me a note, so that we can see if we have enough volunteers.

>    - At the booth I'd like to have different desktops used at the
>      machines so visitors get the diversity we have.

Wow! KDE this time, too... :)

>        * An updated world map.  (I can print A0 postscript at our
>          university quite unexpensive if nobody else gets a chance)
>          (It could be cool to add another dot for any of our machines,
>          including ftp/www mirrors)

That would be neat. But do we have all the coordinates of the machines?
We would probably be able to get those of official machines/mirrors
(http://db.debian.org/machines.cgi), but what about all the mirrors not
listed there?

I also think that not all people that used to be subscribed to
-events-eu are subscribed here. Maybe somebody should remind them again?


Roland Bauerschmidt

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