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[D-I] Tradukoj.

Kiel vi tradukos ĉi frazoj :

msgid ""
"Packages that use debconf for configuration prioritize the questions they "
"might ask you. Only questions with a certain priority or higher are actually "
"shown to you; all less important questions are skipped."

msgid ""
"You can select the lowest priority of question you want to see:\n"
" - 'critical' is for items that will probably break the system\n"
"    without user intervention.\n"
" - 'high' is for items that don't have reasonable defaults.\n"
" - 'medium' is for normal items that have reasonable defaults.\n"
" - 'low' is for trivial items that have defaults that will work in\n"
"   the vast majority of cases."

Serge Leblanc <serge.leblanc@wanadoo.fr> GnuPG id: 1024D/73791C2B 2002-09-30 
Primary key fingerprint: 8E0C 0D6D E026 A278 9278  BF4F 1A93 D552 7379 1C2B

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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