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Re: Esperanto translations?

Quoting Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS (edmund601@rano.org):
> Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>:
> > Indications about the handling of your language in Linux console
> > 
> > Look at this section in the doc and tell me whether it's relevant.
> The non-ASCII characters needed for Esperanto are:
> ĉĝĥĵŝŭĈĜĤĴŜŬ

Fine. This has been commited in the appropriate place in d-i

I'm now working on the languagechooser entry.


All these fields are:

1 - Language name, in English
2 - language code (ISO-639) when more than one locale exists
    of locale when only one locale exists
    This is where we depend on the final choice of the locale
3 - Fallback locale : identical to field 2
4 - language code
5 - Default country for countrychooser. We have to choose one..:-)
6 - languagelist for setting a lnguage order preference
    The order above is a common one
7 - stuff related to console DISPLAY handling

My problem is field 7 : how does one properly render Esperanto at the
Linux console. Especially, which console FONT should be used.

For Latin-based langs, this usually is related to the non UTF-8
charset used for the given language.

Latin1 langs use kbd=lat0-sun16(iso15)
Latin2 langs use kbd=lat2-sun16(iso02)
Turkish uses kbd=ter-916f(iso09)
  (we install the console-terminus package at the request of Turkish 

and so on.

So, what I need from you is to know which font from console-data you
may want to use for displaying Esperanto at the Linux console.


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