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Re: Esperanto translations?

Quoting Samuel Gimeno (sgimeno@gmail.com):
> Saluton :
> Hi:
> I think that locales is a problem but not so far , think in other language 
> like Spanish , English or French (which has a lot of countries).
> I that we must work very hard to finish faster the translation , we can bases 
> on old Esperanto Debian Installer (I think that a lot of messages will be 
> almost the same) , if the old translator can send me the old Pot , I begin to 
> translate it (level 1).

The old Esperanto translation will be of no use at all. D-I is a
complete rewrite of the boot-floppies , so don't expect it to be

However, what I'd like to have is following the usual process for
starting a translation work for D-I, which is documented in section 3
of the D-I i18n documentation (Section 3.1 of
http://people.debian.org/~seppy/d-i/d-i-i18n-documentation/i18n.html) First contact with D-I development team 

OK, done Prerequisites 

Locale problem : let's jump over it Request for early support for your language in Debian

This step is just "We say you that your language is named Esperanto
and its code is eo"...which you already know of course.

Fine, completed step..:) Indications regarding your language

We need the translation of "Esperanto" in Esperanto....officially in a
UTF-8 file (which is relevant for non Latin languages).

So, please provide this information (should be easy..:-)) Indications about the handling of your language in Linux console

Look at this section in the doc and tell me whether it's relevant.

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