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Moving dpkg-cross to Emdebian SVN

The alioth debacle has led to the old CVS path being changed and cvs
itself is now orphaned in Debian, checking out the new CVS path only
results in every file being given the executable tag which is not
fixable without waiting for the alioth admins to fix it ..... at which
point I can't be bothered using CVS any longer.

dpkg-cross will move into SVN @ Emdebian.


It is not possible to retain history in this conversion without going
through the whole alioth admin cycle and then putting it into
svn.debian.org which seems pointless.  (We'd still need to try and get
the history out of svn.debian.org and import into emdebian.org anyway.)

I'm trying the migration route for a different package, if it does work
I'll see what can be resurrected from dpkg-cross history.


Neil Williams

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