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question about buildcross script

Hi All,

I'm trying to build cross-toolchain using buildcross script[*1].

I have a question about the buildcross script.

In the buildcross script, the source package is gotten from Debian's repository, and some patches are applied.

For instance, to build gcc-4.3, only "s390-cross-no-biarch.dpatch" is applied.

Are other patches unnecessary to build toolchain same as emdebian's?

There are some patches for gcc-4.3 in the patches directory.
(gcc-4.3-bootstrap.patch, gcc-4.3-no-biarch.patch)

But they are not used.

Are they unnecessary?

[*1]: http://www.emdebian.org/svn/browser/current/emdebian/trunk/buildcross/trunk

Koyo Takenoshita

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