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Re: Crush 2.0 abandoned -- Review and Feedback from Neil's Post of August 7th

Hi everyone,

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 07:09:42AM +0000, Prince Riley wrote:
I'm going to ask the members of this list who haven't as yet spoken up about the items on Neil's post to please do so by Friday. Once we have those idea, suggestions, and recommendations we can put those ideas into a draft summary.

I have interest in Crush - for using WiFi basestations as extremely low-cost and indirectly Debian-maintained firewalls for NGOs and SoHo setups. I have not, however, gotten my feet wet in the actual emdebian code yet.

My expertise is in systems administration and Debian packaging. I am Debian developer since 2001, am upstream involved in the development of CDBS (packaging toolkit) and yaird (ramdisk generator), and package (alone or as part of teams) a large variation of packages[1].

Hector kindly provided me root access to the emdebian server and I have (very slowly) started helping with general issues there.

I do shell, perl and make - for C, C++ or other "real" programming languages and for various other scripting languages I can often read the code and can juggle patches (I even hack patch files by hand sometimes). I am familiar with pdebuild (and other nice tools by Junichi: cowbuilder and d-shlibs).

I started discussing xcontrol and CDBS integration with Simon at debconf. I think I now understand the term "declarative" and am trying to imagine how that make sense to aply to CDBS, which certainly is _not_ declarative currently.

emdebian-tools is perl and make, so in principle I am able to hack on it. But I would not dare take over as upstream: I do not know the many routines involved (e.g. I am not familiar with britney or reprepro, or with the art of cross-compiling) so cannot sanely take responsibility for them. I would be interested in participating in a team maintaining the code - a team with others involved too (not just "hanging out") which knows some of the actual activities that emdebian-tools serves. I would suggest to use Alioth and Subversion - not because I like SVN (I don't!) but because I would really want it easy on Neil to lend a hand if at all interested, and I seem to understand that he does not at all like my favorite VCS, Git.

As most of us (it seems) I am involved in many other things too, so I will only act slowly here. Feel free to poke me with concrete stuff that might be related to my field of work - don't just wait for me to "get out of my cave" on my own :-)

Thanks to Neil for the impressive work so far (and for the impressive list of things still pending), and to Prince for taking the lead in attempting to steer the process from here.


    - Jonas

[1] http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=dr@jones.dk&comaint=yes

* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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