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Re: FW: migrating from uClinux to emdebian crush on a Xscale PXA270 board

On Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:54:36 +0100
"Hoefle Marco" <Marco.Hoefle@nanotronic.ch> wrote:

> Hello Hector,
> it is installed:
> debian:~# apt-get install dpkg-dev
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree       
> Reading state information... Done
> dpkg-dev is already the newest version.
> dpkg-dev set to manually installed

Then investigate why dpkg-architecture was not found - you've done
something VERY wrong.

$ dpkg -L dpkg-dev
$ which dpkg-architecture

> The synaptic package manager says it is version 1.14.24em1.

What? how did you end up with em1? You need to be running Debian, not

You've misunderstood the apt sources:
# deb http://buildd.emdebian.org/emdebian/ unstable main
# deb-src http://buildd.emdebian.org/emdebian/ unstable main
# deb-src http://buildd.emdebian.org/emdebian/ testing main

At some point, you had those sources enabled when you should have just
left it to emdebian-tools to sort out for you. You've now included
packages from Emdebian Crush directly onto the box. I cannot understand
what you thought you were doing at that point but you now have a
horrible mess to sort out. Every package at a version with an 'em[0-9]'
suffix needs to be downgraded to the Debian version.

There should be *NO* packages with an em1 or em2 version suffix. None.

What led you to add these sources to your sources list???

You don't build Crush by installing Crush. You build Crush on Debian.

> I am willing to install everything from scratch. So from my understanding to get an emdebian crush demo on the PXA270 board I need to do the following:

No. To get an Emdebian Crush root filesystem on your board, you follow
the HowTo (and submit bugs against buildd.emdebian.org if you don't
understand bits of it).

1. Put the board aside and forget about the board for now.
2. Turn to your main desktop machine - a powerful machine that can
build stuff and already has Debian installed. Lenny is OK but Sid is
3. Ensure you have no emdebian sources installed and no packages
installed from emdebian so that you are starting with a fresh install.
4. apt-get install emdebian-tools 
  4.1 if debconf asks about default cross-building arch, set ARM
5. apt-get update
6. apt-get dist-upgrade
7. man emsandbox

You don't need to cross-build stuff for a demo of Emdebian Crush on
ARM, you don't need a toolchain necessarily (at least, not at first),
you just create your root filesystem with emsandbox.

Indeed, you can just install emdebian-rootfs without emdebian-tools -
you'll only need emdebian-tools when you need to start adding
cross-built packages that are not currently in Crush.

> 1) Get debian sid (I installed lenny because I didn't find the sid netinstaller.iso) and install it to a new partition and update GRUB to be able to boot it.

Install lenny and upgrade to sid.

> 2) Get all updates
> 3) Add the emdebian pgp key and this repository: "deb http://buildd.emdebian.org/emdebian/ unstable main". Do I need another one?

No need, it is done for you when you install emdebian-tools.

> 4) Do an agt-get update and install the emdebian tools. emdebian-archive-keyring, emdebian-rootfs etc. should be installed automatically as well due to dependencies.

Dependencies which include dpkg-dev, so /usr/bin/dpkg-architecture
*must* exist and work.

> 5) do "dpkg-reconfigure dpkg-cross" and set it to arm. (What is armeb and armel? Haven't heard about these but I suppose for the PXA270 arm is the correct one). According to Neil the cross compiler should be installed automatically.

when you run emsetup. See man emsetup.

> 6) run emsetup.
> 7) I don't know yet :-)


Neil Williams

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