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an approach for the mini-debian distribution

To fuel the discussion we had lately about how we should approach building a new mini-debian 
I have put online some of the work I did in that direction for my master thesis. 
However as I aimed it to be used on really small systems (I am more or less on the embedsys 
terrain), I use several principles we more or less discussed. I came up with my own naming 
scheme, but everything can still be adapted. All remarks are welcome (as I have at least still 3 
1/2 months time before I have to submit it, and so I will also work hard on it for at least that 
period of time.) 
Things that will have to change for a real mini-debian distro (I already know of): 
- installation of the packages in root, not in a directory where images will be made from. Can be 
solved easely by making a symlink to the standard installation dir of my packages and /. 
- another init system 
- adding an installation system to start with. 
Strong points :  
- cross-compilable source packages aimed at being small. 
- uses the standard Debian tools (though with small adaptions but nothing drastic) 
- trying to be Debian compliant (only lacks copyright file (I thought of putting the license in the 	 
package description) and docs) 
- already documented :-) 
There is only demo material for the moment, if you have an arm machine like a netwinder you 
could install the packages and use the created subdirectory as a chrooted environment to test it. 
I am still working on it, however I am in exams now so everything has more or less come to a 
standstill for the last 2 weeks. 
Take a look at it and tell me what you like and dislike. 

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