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Re: RSVP - Intent to maintain org-mode's Debian package?

Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name> writes:

> Hello,
> On Tue 26 Mar 2024 at 12:11pm -04, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
>> Yes, thank you, please update Uploaders for org-mode and org-mode docs
>> if you're not reviewing the package, and don't worry because at least
>> two of us are willing to take responsibility for it :)
> Hmm, this situation is not valid -- there must be a human in the
> Maintainer field if there is no Uploaders field, as required by the MIA
> team.  We now can't upload the package without someone adding their name
> or us moving it to the QA team.

Yup, and openness to a transfer of responsibility is what this thread is
about.  If you're genuinely bothered by the hours-long gap state, please
let me know how much (PM is fine if preferred).  Would you please
clarify if your reply was a mere statement of fact, or if you intended
or hoped it would affect someone's behaviour?  Ie: Did you mean "in the
future please coordinate the handover of responsibility in a more formal
way, it…"?


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