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Re: RSVP - Intent to maintain org-mode's Debian package?


On Tue 26 Mar 2024 at 12:11pm -04, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:

> Sébastien Delafond <seb@debian.org> writes:
>> I unfortunately do not have the available spare time required to
>> properly take care of org-mode and org-mode-doc: my last update was
>> circa 2020 IIRC, and the team's taken care of all the uploads in the
>> past 3 years so I wasn't aware my lack of involvement was raising
>> questions or issues. Is there anything I can do to make things
>> easier/clearer for you? I just noticed I'm still listed in the Uploaders
>> field, is that maybe the issue? I'd be happy to remove that.
> Hello Sébastien,
> Thank you for such a quick reply, and I hope that your circumstances are
> inspiring-busy rather than stressful-busy!  Our team had trouble
> tracking under-maintained packages the last release cycle, org-mode fell
> through the cracks, and the recent CVEs reminded me to finally check-in
> with you about the package.  Sorry if this came across as pushy and all
> at once.
> Yes, thank you, please update Uploaders for org-mode and org-mode docs
> if you're not reviewing the package, and don't worry because at least
> two of us are willing to take responsibility for it :)

Hmm, this situation is not valid -- there must be a human in the
Maintainer field if there is no Uploaders field, as required by the MIA
team.  We now can't upload the package without someone adding their name
or us moving it to the QA team.

Sean Whitton

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