Hi there,
construction management = build management or build system. Most things are labeled management in ITIL. But build management is not an mandatory ITIL term. It's an umbrella term describing how to install the required software packages with proper configuration and network services with a Debian Edu installation.
Many people have heard about making so called "images" with Windows. Especially those who runs computer upkeep in municipalities. The operating system and all the software programs which you need are install, with some configuration, are installed on a machine. From there, an image program is rund to make a copy of the installation and configuration on the harddrive. This includes the network setup. Then an image program is used to install all the software on the other computers in the network.
It's written this way, cause a lot of computer maintainers mostly know images as they've done that with Windows and Windows apps, not knowing package configuration and the packages repository online as we know it in Debian.
Summary: The term "build management" are trying to point to a process of making packages, installation configuration including network, and distribution to other machines in one. Kind of building the whole system, configuring and everything.
Oh, It's no prestige when selecting the term. Maybe someone else got a better term? Please suggest.