Re:Debian Edu ITIL documentation in English - finally -some comments
Hi all,
First of all please CC me if you answer as I'm not subscribed to the group.
I read the wiki page today. As shared by pere there seems to be quite
a bit of obsolete documentation . Also would suggest to put all the
content on transifex go through an english spell-checker.
The first part I am guessing is the glossary which also needs to be
there in the English version.
Please make sure to add FTE - Full Time Equivalent in the glossary as well.
For e.g. some more bit info. about ITIL would be nice. The wiki page
in wikipedia is long-winded and doesn't really share the gist about
the standard.
There is lot of talk about a Service Desk - Is there any software in
Debian-edu which could be used as the service desk ? The O'reilly RT
page linked there isn't available :(
Where it's construction management, I think you meant configuration
management . Can you fix that ?
The Bottlenecks which have been mentioned, aren't most of them passe.
Even the kernel 'smp' bit which has been shared if I'm not wrong is
not used anymore as all kernels are 'smp' based. The more interesting
part would have been inclusion of hugepages as RAM is nowadays
relatively cheap.
The Administrating Packages - It has sarge history at
/etc/apt/sources.list that needs to be transferred to 'Jessie' . Also
it might be a good idea to also use the http redirector - check it out.
In the verification section you don't need ( at least now) root access
to list anything via dpkg.
$ dpkg --list | grep apache
pp libapache-logformat-compiler-perl 0.30-1
all Perl module to pre-compile a LogFormat string
pp libapache-poi-java 3.10.1-2
all Apache POI - Java API for Microsoft Documents
pp libapache-pom-java 10-2
all Maven metadata for all Apache Software projects
pp libbatik-java 1.7+dfsg-5
all SVG Library
pp libiconv-hook1 0.0.20021209-10
amd64 extension of iconv for libapache-mod-encoding
The same goes for searching, only this time you can also do it
apt-file search <$PATHNAME/$FILENAME>
as in :-
$ apt-file search /usr/bin/iceweasel
iceweasel: /usr/bin/iceweasel
As can be seen again, you don't need to become root.
There has been no instruction or idea laid out on Coyote Linux . I
have used ufw (Uncomplicated firewall) and ufw-gui withoug an issue.
Which lead me to file #782351 without realizing that the maintainer
seems to be MIA as even the last wishlist went unheard #704634 which I
had also forgotten.
The last thing is that the currency seemed foreign, if the various
estimates could be shared with respect to US dollars or failing that,
with the Euro so it's easier to figure out both for solution providers
and schools.
Other than spell-checking, some things shared above and few
sentence-formation issues seemed good enough. Some images are missing,
if they are not needed, then those hyperlinks need to be deleted.
Looking forward to see a better version of the document soon.
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
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