Re: Debian Edu ITIL documentation in English - finally -some comments
In-line :-
On 4/11/15, Petter Reinholdtsen <> wrote:
> [shirish शिरीष]
>> Hi all,
> Hi. Thank you very much for taking the time to read the early draft of
> the English version of the ITIL document.
Welcome, it also benefits me and my interests.
>> I read the wiki page today. As shared by pere there seems to be quite
>> a bit of obsolete documentation . Also would suggest to put all the
>> content on transifex go through an english spell-checker.
> We are working on it. :)
>> The first part I am guessing is the glossary which also needs to be
>> there in the English version.
>> Please make sure to add FTE - Full Time Equivalent in the glossary as
>> well.
> Good point. It should be done when the english wiki version is
> authorative.
When it will be authoritative is not known, what could and should be
known are uncommon words or words which have more than one meaning.
>> For e.g. some more bit info. about ITIL would be nice. The wiki page
>> in wikipedia is long-winded and doesn't really share the gist about
>> the standard.
> Yeah, but probably not in this document. Do you have any suggestions
> for references we can point people to?
I can't think of any for the moment because the standards it is
supposed or based on is quite large, extensive and complex. Also I
*think* it will be possible that the standard would not be known to
people from outside Europe or perhaps not even in Europe (AFAIK UK and
Europe or European Union have a sort of strained relationship so in
some places they agree but in many places/policies they differ. One of
the points that could be added in that wiki is in how many countries
is that standard known, used and accepted even if it is in a modified
>> There is lot of talk about a Service Desk - Is there any software in
>> Debian-edu which could be used as the service desk ? The O'reilly RT
>> page linked there isn't available :(
> Personally I still recommend RT. See
> <URL: >. If the old link is broken,
> we need to track down an the RT book link.
As shared it seems couple of things have happened, you have made some
footnotes and moinmoin or somewhere in that conversion part the
References link become boken.
>> Where it's construction management, I think you meant configuration
>> management . Can you fix that ?
> The Norwegian term used is bygg-håndtering and bygghåndtering. It can
> translate to build management, building management or construction
> management. I suspect it is a translation of the ITIL concept
> deployment management, but am a bit unsure.
This is one of those words which has multiple meanings. For e.g. build
management could be about building a bungalow, a one storied house, a
township or anything else for that matter ( real estate thing) ,
another which is software build management could be all the tools used
for compiling, packaging a tool/source/library/binary + the
compilation flags or/and processes used to achieve that. So if you do
not mean the real-estate construction scenario then please use a
different word or explain it in the glossary before (not after) .
>> The Bottlenecks which have been mentioned, aren't most of them passe.
>> Even the kernel 'smp' bit which has been shared if I'm not wrong is
>> not used anymore as all kernels are 'smp' based. The more interesting
>> part would have been inclusion of hugepages as RAM is nowadays
>> relatively cheap.
> Yeah, that should probably be completely rewritten. When the English
> wiki is the authorative source.
>> The Administrating Packages - It has sarge history at
>> /etc/apt/sources.list that needs to be transferred to 'Jessie' . Also
>> it might be a good idea to also use the http redirector
>> - check it out.
> I suspect it might make more sense to refer to the Debian Edu release
> manual for this part, and drop it from the ITIL document. But we have
> delayed all such large rewrites until the English wiki is in place, to
> have more potential editors available to improve the text.
>> There has been no instruction or idea laid out on Coyote Linux . I
>> have used ufw (Uncomplicated firewall) and ufw-gui withoug an issue.
>> Which lead me to file #782351 without realizing that the maintainer
>> seems to be MIA as even the last wishlist went unheard #704634 which I
>> had also forgotten.
> Perhaps it make more sense to move the firewall stuff into a separate
> howto?
I don't see any issues with that. The only issue would be perhaps it's
a large topic
where firewalls could be used in a variety of services. If we decided
to set/share such a page, it will have to talk about hardware and
software firewalls, differences between the two, give examples of both
and guve basic apply/deny rules in-place. As shared, the topic is
huge as we have topics such as DMZ as well as all server services a
host machine can provide.
So if we start with simple then it would be probably more maintainable
in future as well.
>> The last thing is that the currency seemed foreign, if the various
>> estimates could be shared with respect to US dollars or failing that,
>> with the Euro so it's easier to figure out both for solution providers
>> and schools.
> Good point. We should try to be consistent there. But it is a bit hard
> to decide how to calculate the numbers into other currencies when the
> exchange rate change so much.
You could give a disclaimer saying that the numbers are not supposed
to be hard numbers but are more of a guess-estimate and will change
depending upon number of students and teacher ratio with one another,
the kind of service quality and lot of other unknowns which come into
play when you are doing something like this. The idea should be to
have a uniform currency so people can base some sort of rate-card
around those numbers as a benchmark and aim higher or lower. As shared
these are guess-estimate and will change with what people see on the
How the support costs will differ will depend upon so many factors.
For e.g. if you have poor quality of power/electricity which India has
(the voltage differs between 8-15%) depending on time of day, day,
weather, number of connection to one pole, quality of wiring etc. so
if you have poor quality of electricity then of course the support
costs will be higher as equipment failure is that much higher even
with the best of online/offline UPS or what have you.
>> Other than spell-checking, some things shared above and few
>> sentence-formation issues seemed good enough. Some images are missing,
>> if they are not needed, then those hyperlinks need to be deleted.
> Yeah. Someone need to check the original ODF files to see if the images
> are there.
>> Looking forward to see a better version of the document soon.
> We lack Norwegian->English translators with good knowledge about
> contract language, as the appendix is the only part left to translate.
> And we need reviewers with time to go through the 1300 text strings and
> improve the quality of the translation. The work so far is done by 2-3
> very active people and a few hangarounds like myself, but more eyes
> would speed up the process a lot. If you are willing to help, please
> register on
> <URL: >
> and start translationg/reviewing. To be allowed to flag translations as
> reviewed you to be approved by the project coordinators, so please poke
> me on #debian-edu if you want to do this.
Hi, I have done that and also gave couple of suggestions. I don't
think I'll be able to do justice on the reviewing part as I'm not a
native speaker myself but will try to share and improve the document
from what we have now.
> And <URL: > is
> kept up to date (need to figure out how to handle the front page, but
> the others are updated semi-automatically by Alexander), so you can
> review the english text there too. But only update it in Transifex, as
> we replace the English wiki using the po file from Transifex at the
> moment.
Yup, saw that. Once the translation is complete, then we should think
of taking out all the obsolete documentation in English as a clean
break from the past
> --
> Happy hacking
> Petter Reinholdtsen
Will help you tomorrow/ technically today afternoon/evening whenever I
get time .
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
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