Bug#782056: education-mathematics: Education-mathematics 1.811 has few empty/virtual packages in Jessie.
On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 09:31:00PM +0530, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> @Peter,
> I had considered what you are/were saying. But then the same thing
> should apply to python 2.6 and so much else (as python 2.6 was in
> squeeze and wheezy) and now we are using python 2.7
Question: Where did you found an explicite Python 2.6 dependency inside
the Debian Edu tasks? I can not see it.
> Of the 5 I reported abakus geonext graphthing k3dsurf and kseg I
> didn't find any info. about geonext so it's possible that it might be
> a new package, the others I checked were those which were not ported
> to newer version of libaries and as we like shared libraries those who
> don't make the mark for library transitions get dropped.
I agree that packages which are removed from Debian for whatever reason
should be removed from the Debian Edu tasks as well. If they are
considered of some value it might make sense to provide some hint by
directing the user to the packages in snapshot.debian.org. To see what
I mean it might be the best to seek on
for "X-Removed: Packages removed from Debian" which will be rendered
on the tasks pages to
since for octaviz is sufficient information given in Pkg-Description.
> I don't know if I understood @Andreas but from what I could understand
> both from reading that long bug discussion as well as here, empty
> packages which are kept in a metapackage in the hope/reason that there
> would be packed in the near future should have some information about
> that which is not currently available.
Yes, you understood correctly and I hope that the example above does
clarify things a bit more. I do this in those Blends I feel responsible
for the tasks files. If I would be responsible for the Debian Edu tasks
files I would create a Jessie branch to maintain a minimum change set
for Jessie. In master I would start the cleaning rather sooner than
> [$] sudo aptitude install kalgebra=4:14.12.3-1
Hmmm, any reason to force the version on experimental. I admit I have
no intention to check this on my current machine but if we are talking
about dependencies in metapackages we are talking about packages
available in testing. So forcing a package from experimental might
lead to trouble and should be not mixed up with this discussion.
Kind regards
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