Re: Re: posted about a dozen and half simple bugs from the astronomy and mathematics tasks.
at bottom :-
On 4/7/15, shirish शिरीष <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> During the last few days posted around 15-20 bugs about simple things
> which are missing from packages. Some of the bugs I posted about are
> :-
> a. Outdated packages and new packages have been released by upstream,
> the only one which I haven't reported for is wxmaxima but that is
> because it's under Debian-QA (which AFAIK means no real maintainer and
> the package is orphaned).
> b. Upstream is either dead or MIA or the hyperlink given does not work.
> c. No upstream homepage link is shared.
> d. App. is in different language than English - this one was promptly
> closed but do think it was a bug, there shouldn't be any tools which
> don't have english #782028
> e.Adequate repots that a missing symlink is there or a library-not-found.
> While the above are more or less generic and easy in nature, I do hope
> to explore some of the packages more intimately. For e.g. I haven't
> reported it yet but rocs seems to not have either a demo version or
> some examples for people to see what it is capable of.
> I tried the script as the one shared at
> but that doesn't work because some of the terms are deprecated.
> Another one which I want to report but want to ask before-hand is
> about r-cran-rcmdr .
> Aptitude reports :-
> aptitude show r-cran-rcmdr | grep Description
> Description: GNU R platform-independent basic-statistics GUI
> Both the short as well as long description describe it a GUI but
> looking through the package, I could see only libraries and not
> anything in /usr/bin
> $ dpkg -L r-cran-rcmdr | grep /usr/sbin | grep /usr/bin
> $
> So, look forward to understanding from people for above.
Forgot to ask to people to CC me. @Holger read your answer to mine at .
Can you share what the usertag you want me to file for Debian-edu ?
Could you share an e.g. of the usertag for say bug number 12345
(obviously a fictious bug number).
Also, if I'm not mistaken I could just have e-mail give the same
usertag to all the bugs I filed recently (which are in Debian-edu's
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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