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Re: Wrong frequency? Please help


2014-10-14 17:00 GMT+08:00 Wolfgang Schweer <wschweer@arcor.de>:
On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 12:48:52PM +0800, Franklin Weng wrote:
> The teacher reported that, after setting XSERVER=intel in
> /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf, the login screen was gone this time.

Most probably the intel chipset is too new to be supported.

> Xorg.7.log from client is here:
> http://pastebin.com/bgFzM9pn

If you compare the chipsets supported as reported by the intel driver
with the chipset detected by the vesa driver (HSW Mobile/Desktop) this
seems to be the case.

As there are newer kernel and xserver-xorg-video-intel packages in
wheezy backports you might get the machines working if you install
xserver-xorg-video-intel (maybe kernel, too) from wheezy-backports in
the LTSP chroot. See the manual (HowTo:general administration /
HowTo:networked clients) for details.


New update for this problem.

I upgraded the kernel and every packages I could upgrade from wheezy backports.  The problem is still there.

In the ldm screen it was normal.  When logging in, the KDE splash screen would be normal at the first HDD icons,
then the screen became blank, after coming back the screen was all wrong like what I posted in the first mail.

Then, if I switch to console with ctrl-alt-F1, then back to the X window with ctrl-alt-F7, the screen would be back to normal, but which is not actually normal.  Then I found that the resolution was wrong.

The resolution became 1440x1024.  The desktop was larger than the screen display.  I need to change the resolution in systemsettings to 1280x1024, and everything is back to normal.

When next login, the whole problem will be the same.  I need to switch to console and back and set the resolution again.

I'm wondering if this is because KDE didn't get the correct resolution.  However I have no idea how to force the resolution to 1280x1024.

In the main server, though changing to a new one (with the same spec), all the display are normal and correct.

I'm now installing a new server in another hard drive.  However I'd still like to know if there are workarounds for this problem, like assigning a fixed resolution from the client's system config.  I couldn't find the X11 configuration in current version.  Before it was just in Xorg.conf.  Now I have no any idea about how to do this.

Any help will be very appreciated.


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