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Add armhf architecture to our APT source for Raspberry Pi users?

As you might have noticed on #debian-edu, I wrote the debian-edu-bless
script to help our student Nirosan Thiyagalingam, supervised by our
Marius Kotsbak in FRiSK, to "port" Debian Edu to Raspberry Pi.  This
will allow schools to use these cheap computers as clients.

I just blogged about the debian-edu-bless recipe in
<URL: http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/How_to_transform_a_Debian_based_system_to_a_Debian_Edu_installation.html >,
but there is a small snag blocking those wanting to do this testing on
their own.  Our whezy(-test) APT repositories do not provide the armhf

The procedure only need the platform independent packages (ie
debian-edu-install, debian-edu-config and debian-edu-artwork) to work,
so we do not really need to build the debian-edu packages for armhf.  At
least not for the initial testing.

To solve this small snag, I hereby ask the ftpmasters to add armhf to
the list of architectures provided by our Wheezy repositories.

Sending both to ftpmaster@skolelinux and debian-edu@lists, as I am not
sure if the former is working again after we had to recover the
@skolelinux mailing lists.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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